Saturday, November 27, 2010

Where have you been, Baby?

I know, it's been AGES since the last post (and even then we didn't actually write anything). We're all terribly sorry but are sure that you understand. Daddy's been super busy with school (which he still doesn't love) and Mommy's been super busy with the Stinker. The Stinker just can't be bothered writing anything. Things are going well. Jude will be two months old on Monday. He's slept through the night a few times but it's by no means a regular occurrence. He's generally the best baby in the whole world but he has his moments of insanity. He sometimes has trouble staying asleep and then gets overly tired and super cranky (SUPER cranky). Today has been one of those days. Thankfully Daddy has been here to help settle the Stink. He's asleep in the swing just now and hopefully he'll feel better after a good few hours of rest.

He started smiling a few weeks ago and now he doesn't let a day go by without giving us some big grins. He's also engaging more with faces (although he still really loves high contrast things like shadows and black and white toys). He's around 9.5 pounds now so he's growing out of his 0-3 month clothes. We think he might have another week or two until they don't fit his long legs anymore. Mommy is still crazy tired pretty much all of the time and is looking forward to the day when she can get more than a few hours of sleep in a row. Somehow even when he does sleep for good stretches she always wakes up after a couple of hours in anticipation of Jude waking up. Someday she's sure she'll sleep again.

We didn't do anything for Thanksgiving. Daddy had to work and it was the day Jude had to get his first round of immunizations. He did really well with them (Mommy cried as much as he did). We're already looking forward to next year. We'll count 2011 as Jude's first Thanksgiving (when we're all in New Orleans and he can enjoy it with his nola friends and family). We're also looking forward to Jude's first Christmas. He's already really good with his head and we're pretty sure that he'll be holding it up by then (or very close to it). We're excited about putting him in his Bumbo and helping him open some nice presents. We'll post pics of Christmas tree shopping, etc with him. We miss and love all of you and promise that we'll at least try to write more often. You can always go to youtube and look up the NICONOLA504 channel for Jude videos. There are 4 now and I have a couple more that are ready to upload (I'll get to it soon!).

For those of you who asked about what he might still need or what to get for Christmas, there's still stuff on the Amazon UK wishlist. Here's the link

We're going to try to get some sleep now and hopefully it'll snow so much tonight that Daddy won't have to go to work on Monday.
Snow for everyone!
Mommy, Daddy and Stinky Jude

Monday, October 11, 2010

How are you feeling, Baby?

Sorry it's been so long since our last post. I'm sure that you understand that we've been a little bit busy. We do enjoy the fact that we are so busy with fun stuff like sleeping, eating and making sure to go out for walks. If only busy always consisted of finding time to nap! Stinky Jude is doing very well, he's 13 days old today. He's such a good little boy and is sitting here right now watching me type (as I talk to him and make super animated faces). Daddy just left for work and we already miss him. He only has this week left before his October holidays. He has the last two weeks of the month off and we're all super excited to have him around all of the time for a while. We have an appointment next week to apply for Stinker's American passport. After we do that we'll be sending in the paperwork to apply for Daddy's visa so that we can move back to New Orleans next year. We talk about it all of the time and can't wait to bring Stinker home to meet friends and family (and eat good food and go to the zoo and feed the ducks in the park...). Today is Mommy and Stinker's first day totally alone. We're actually going to take a nap here in a minute. We're sorry that we've been slacking on uploading pics but we'll post a ton more soon. We'd also like to thank everyone for the lovely messages and things. We love all of you and can't wait for you to meet the Stink (who has been happily living up to his nickname).

Here's the wish list link again for those of you who asked about it.

We don't really have much to report other than the fact that the Stinker is sleeping well, eating well and putting on weight. We're starting to get into a rhythm (finally). It's stressful but beautiful. Mommy and Daddy are both so in love with Mr. the Stink. We know that you all will be, too. We'll post more soon. For now, it's food and nap time.
Snacks and naps for everyone!!
Mommy, Daddy and Stinker Jude

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Welcome Home, Baby!

Mr. The Stink is finally here. Although we will probably always call him Stinky (or Stinker) we had to decide on an 'acceptable' name so we went with Jude Gavin DeAbate Fraser. He was born on the 29th of September 2010 at almost 5pm. He weighed 7 pounds on the nose. As you can see from the picture, he has a mop of bright red hair. We were all surprised that he is a ginger baby and not dark like Mommy but we couldn't be more pleased. We love our little ginger Stinker sOoOOOOo much!

As it's been a long time since our 'I'm in labor' post and I know that it was nerve wracking for all our friends and family, I'll let you know what it was that happened on the Stinker's birthday. As we wrote that day, I was in labor for what seemed like 1,000 years (I suppose that happens to most people though). At about 4am we were finally ready to go to the hospital. When we got there I was assessed and was only 3cm. It took me 2+hours in some weird holding room to progress to 6 and be moved upstairs to the labor ward. This is the part that I will always remember as the easy bit. The room was lovely and calm, I was in the pool and only using the gas and air occasionally (I was trying to make it without any real pain relief). Everything was manageable and quite serene. After a couple of hours in there I got out and my water broke. There was meconium in it so I had to move from my lovely room and pool onto a bed in the high risk ward to be put on continuous fetal heart monitoring. I labored there for I don't know how long. It was rough as the monitors were really uncomfortable and I was anxious about the baby's health. We finally moved to the second stage but Stinky's heart rate kept dropping at the height of the contractions. He was even more tired than I was so they went and got the doctor to come and talk to me about getting him out right away. Of course, I told them that all that mattered was that our Stinker was ok and that I wanted them to do whatever they had to. Because we had come so far they decided just to use forceps. They told us about risks and we signed some informed consent stuff. Daddy was taken to put on scrubs and I was wheeled into the operating theater. I was given the non-epidural spinal (the one that acts extremely quickly) injection. It took no time for me to feel nothing. The rest is pretty much a blur. There was lots of activity but I just remember looking over to Daddy for reassurance a lot as I waited to hear something that gave me some indication of what was happening with Stinky. After what seemed like forever they brought him out. I heard a bit of a wail and they held him out to me for long enough for me to just graze his head with my fingers. Daddy went with Stinky as they took him out to see if he was ok. They finished sewing and tugging and whatever, put me on another table and took me into recovery. Soon after they brought in the Stink and Daddy. I was dazed and so was he (they, really). I was so amazed at his hair and in love straight away. They told me that he had been a little limp but that he came around quickly. We had some skin to skin time and were carted up to a ward after about an hour. The ward was another nightmare altogether. The short of it was that there were 4 women and babies in the room, Daddy wasn't allowed to be there after 9pm and Mommy was confined to a bed for two nights. The Stinker was with her the whole time though so that was something. They wanted to keep an eye on Stinky for a couple of nights since he had been in shock when delivered and Mommy needed observed recovery time. The good news is that he's been perfect and Mommy feels ok, too. Daddy was extremely excited to get to bring us home yesterday. We love that we're finally here and together. This is our second night home.

The Stinker is more than we ever could have hoped. He's such an amazing baby. We love him so much and wish that all of you could be here to see his amazing little red faux hawk in person. We promise to keep updating weekly and we're sorry about the lapse while we were in hospital. We're sure that you all understand. Stinky says hello and sends out some sweet Stinky kisses.
Stinky kisses for everyone!
Mommy, Daddy and Stinky

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Now you're REALLY hurting Mommy

I'm in labor. We're still at home trying to get the contractions to about 5 minutes apart. I've been at around 6-7 mins apart since 7am (been contracting since 7am yesterday-- we did think that they were just braxton hicks for quite a while though). This is really no fun (no fun at all) but we can't wait until Stinky's here. I guess the name mystery will be solved soon (will be stuck with it once they write it on that piece of paper in the hospital. We're still not sure what it'll be). We'll update when there's more news.
Contractions for everyone!
Mommy, Daddy and Stinky

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Really though, Baby?

We don't have much to report yet. We're due and tired. We want Stinky to come already so that we can worry about him in all new and interesting ways. We haven't had any real labor signs and other than the fact that he's engaged (which we've known for 2 weeks now) there's really nothing to indicate that he is coming soon. We'll be induced soon if he decides not to come on his own (we were told that 12 days is standard waiting time). We have an appointment with the midwife tomorrow and we'll be sure to update everyone as to what is happening once we know.
Nothing else has been going on really. We went for a lovely walk today and found a bunch of almost adult baby swans in the stream near the house. We had a good time feeding them bread and taking photos. We'll post pictures of us and the town soon (I know, we keep promising to post pics and haven't. I will someday!). Daddy still doesn't love school and Mommy is super ready for Stinky to come out. Will post again tomorrow after our appointment. For now, we're going to watch the second half of the Saints game. We wish that we were in New Orleans to watch it with all of our friends! Daddy really, really wishes that he had an Amber in his hand.
Amber for everyone!
Mommy, Daddy and Stinky

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

You ready, Baby?

We're sorry that it's been so long since we've updated but it's been a relatively slow news week over here. We had our 38 week appointment on Monday. We are well and Stinky is engaged. We know that this doesn't actually mean that he's coming right away but we're opting to see it as a good sign. He's still head down and all of that good stuff (and his heart sounds good and our blood pressure isn't going crazy...). Mommy is a ball of out of control symptoms though. We haven't had any swelling all this time but now Mommy's hands are holding onto so much water that she can't grip things and they hurt all of the time. We're still not sleeping so well but we make up for that by trying to sleep for as much of the day as is possible. 'Resting' all day also helps Mommy (almost) forget that Daddy is at work all day (Mommy and Stinky really miss Daddy while he's gone).

On Sunday we did our practice run to the hospital in Edinburgh. It was even easier than we could have hoped. It took an hour and 5 minutes door to door and was super easy to find. Mommy is a lot less stressed about it now that she knows that it's not going to be difficult to get there. We're all packed and ready to go for the hospital. Mommy never feels as if we're totally ready for the Stinky but Daddy suspects that she never will. We have the essentials and everything is clean and folded and neat (ready to be utterly messed up by a crazy Stinky baby). Now we just wait...

The weather has been really nice here in Scotland. It's been sunny most days but it's progressing strongly towards winter. The air feels clean and crisp and it makes us think of beautiful October/November days in Nola. Mommy and Daddy both wish that we could be sitting at the Fly with some friends and this cool breeze (we're sure that there are a lot of people in Nola who would love it if we could bring this breeze to them!).

Daddy isn't loving work so much but he loves being home with Mommy and we're both looking so forward to Stinky coming that it makes up for work being yucky or being lonely through the day.

That's about all we have for today but we'll write again soon. Hopefully the next post will read something like, 'we're in labor' and will be posted very soon (Mommy can dream!). We hope that the weather is nice no matter where you are and that you're all sitting outside in a nice breeze right under a sunbeam.
Cool breezes and sunbeams for everyone!
Mommy, Daddy and Stinky

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Time to come out now, Baby!

It's official-- we're full term. This last Sunday we were 37 weeks. If Stinky wants to come out now it would be fine with us. We can't wait to meet him and Mommy feels like she is about to burst. We're almost all ready for his debut. We have a few odds and ends left to get and Mommy still has a few things that she needs to pack in her hospital bag (she would also like to spend some more time practicing getting that car seat in and out of the car) but for the most part we're ready. Mommy's been doing what she can to encourage Stinky to get on out of there. There's raspberry leaf tea and walks and spicy food (nothing crazy spicy, Mommy doesn't want to chance worse heartburn than she's been having). Other than running around planning and packing and cleaning there hasn't been all that much happening. Daddy is busy working and Mommy is busy trying to get 3 consecutive hours of sleep. We didn't end up going to Glasgow last weekend. Daddy's parents came in town instead. They're coming in again this Saturday so we might not get there before the Stinky comes. We'll see... we'll work bubble tea into our future somehow (also, Mommy would love to see her friend Eileen). On Sunday we're going to do a practice run to the hospital. It's fairly far away (should be about 45 minutes, we'll see...) so we want to know the very best route in case Stinky is in a hurry. We have a checkup this coming Monday and hopefully everything is on track (he's still in a good position, etc). We will, of course, let everyone know how it goes. We hope that everyone had a good labor day and that everyone is well. We also hope that everyone is getting more sleep than Mommy (which she is about to go attempt again).
Sleep for everyone!
Mommy, Daddy and Stinky

Monday, August 30, 2010

One month to go, Baby!

We don't have too much to report today. We've had a pretty mellow week. We're now officially 36 weeks and we're very excited about the fact that Stinky is going to be making his appearance in a month or so. We're hoping that he waits until at least this coming Sunday (when we'll be 37 weeks and he'll officially be full term) but that he comes out very soon after that.
Mommy and Stinky are feeling well enough. Mommy is very tired and doesn't like that Daddy is off at work all of the time. Mommy and Stinky get a little lonely during the day. Mommy's been doing a lot of cleaning and organizing (we're not sure how she keeps finding more that needs to be done) to get ready for Stinky's impending arrival.
Mommy's birthday was Saturday. We all had a nice, relaxing day. Mommy slept for most of the day (well, she was in bed anyway) and then we went to St. Andrews to get Japanese food. It was very yummy. We all love good Japanese food but haven't had much of it since we moved to Scotland. Mommy was very happy with the tofu steak and the rolls. Daddy loved his tuna sashimi. We got a supermarket cake and Daddy sang happy birthday. We got the one that had purple, green and gold sprinkles. Mommy felt that it was fate that those colors were on the cake and insisted that we get it even though it was a cheap marshmallow one. We were going to go to Glasgow to get bubble tea on Sunday but we decided that it would be better to go next Saturday so that we could make a whole day of it. We'll take pictures and post them (along with ones from Mommy's birthday). Yey for bubble tea!
Bubble tea for everyone!!
Mommy, Daddy and Stinky

Monday, August 23, 2010

Put down that bladder, Baby. It's not a toy.

We had an appointment with the midwife today. All went well. Stinky is in the correct position for his big debut (and hanging out very low, apparently. We're hoping this means that he means to make a break for it in two weeks-- but NOT before! It could mean nothing and he could stay in there for ages longer. Mommy's hoping for the former). We're 35 weeks now (as of yesterday). Mommy is particularly uncomfortable and is ready for Stinky to come out. Daddy is ready for Stinky to come out, too. He's just not particularly uncomfortable. We want him to finish cooking though so he has to stay in until 37 weeks. We know that it's not very likely that he'll make an early appearance but Mommy can dream.

Mommy thinks that she might have officially kicked into the nesting phase. She realized this one day when she found herself on her hands and knees scrubbing the kitchen floor. Those of you who know Mommy well will know that that's a bit unusual. We're trying to sort out all of the rest of it in the next couple of weeks so that there's nothing to deal with in the last couple of weeks. Daddy's Mommy brought us an overnight case that we're packing for the hospital (it's mostly done but Mommy's still not finished with her birth music and things like that. Also, her favorite nightshirt isn't going in until the last possible moment).

Daddy's officially in the swing of teaching now. He's doing well but Mommy and Stinky don't love being alone during the day. Good thing there's always eating, sleeping and cleaning to be done to help distract her (somewhat).

Saturday is Mommy's birthday. Daddy is taking her out for Japanese food in St Andrew's. Mommy is already dreaming of tofu and enoki mushrooms.

Tofu and enoki mushrooms for everyone!
Mommy, Daddy and Stinky

Saturday, August 14, 2010

What do you want for your birthday, Baby?

As per requests from family and some friends here is the wish list that Mommy has been making on Because it's on the UK website there won't be any customs tax and the shipping costs are all reasonable. Admittedly, some of the things on the list are things that Mommy wants (like the changing bags and the breastfeeding tops) but they're all Stinky related (and Mommy has a birthday coming, too!)

Mommy and Daddy went to a giant car boot sale (yard sale sort of thing) today and got a TON of clothes for Stinky. We had some already (some that we bought new, some from Daddy's Mum and some that Desiree and Chris sent) but now we're all kitted out in terms of clothes for at least a couple of months (unless Stinky decides to grow ridiculously fast or be huge when he comes out).

Other than that, we don't really have any big news. Daddy starts teaching next week and Mommy will be hanging out alone Monday through Friday 8-4:30 ish. Mommy isn't looking forward to it (not that Daddy's jumping for joy about the end of his summer holiday). We're looking forward to Mommy's birthday and maybe going out for a nice meal. After that it'll be all eyes on the calendar as we'll be 36 weeks the day after Mommy's 34th (Mommy can't believe that she's that old and sort of doesn't want to talk about it).

We're 34 weeks tomorrow. It's all very exciting and Mommy is a bit frenzied getting her last minute things done. Our music for labor list is almost finished, our hospital bag still needs packing but mostly everything is laid out and ready, our birth plan is written and typed up, our emergency numbers are next to the phone and we have almost all of the essentials that we'll need for Stinky's first days.
Here are some pictures (not terribly new but only a bit more than a week old).
Here is Daddy and the cottage that will be Stinky's first home (and a neighborhood cat that Daddy made friends with).

Here is Mommy, her big fat Stinky belly and their ice cream in St. Andrew's. Yes, the ice cream was yummy.

We're going to try our very best to have a lovely last holiday weekend. We hope that all of you have lovely weekends, too.
Lovely weekends for everyone!
Mommy, Daddy and Stinky

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Mommy needs her rest, Baby

Mommy and Daddy had a half check-up this last Friday. Everything went well and we booked into Edinburgh Royal Maternity Hospital. That means that, barring any emergencies that send us running for the closer Forth Park Hospital, Stinky will be born in Edinburgh. We have another appointment on the 23rd of August. Other than that not much has been happening. Mommy is so sleepy lately. Stinky seems to not like letting her sleep. He likes to move and squirm as soon as she gets into bed. Ah well, we guess it's just preparation for when he comes and keeps us both up all night. Daddy is still working on getting ready for his classes (which start on Monday). Mommy isn't excited about hanging out by herself all day while Daddy is off teaching. Mommy really misses her New Orleans peeps just now. It's all ok while Daddy is around but she suspects that there are going to be some long and lonely days in the very near future. Poor Daddy is going to get attacked every day as soon as he walks in the door. Mommy is going to try to take a nap while Daddy does some more school work. Or maybe Mommy should eat more food. Mommy can never decide! We'll write again soon with more Stinky fun.
Happy Wednesday, everyone!
Mommy, Daddy and Stinky

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Are you sleepy, Baby?

Mommy and Daddy were supposed to go to their first prenatal class today. We left the house 30 minutes before we were meant to be there (keep in mind that we live in a TOWN and that 30 minutes is enough to get to the next town, much less just down the street). We drove around until well after the class had started and still couldn't find the place. We then gave up and got Mommy the doughnut that she wanted the night before. We have to go see the midwife again this Friday and we'll find out about alternate classes that we can go to (and get better directions this time). Mommy is thinking about taking SOME of the classes through an NHS online resource (so that Daddy can see them, too. Daddy's holidays are over in a week and a half and he was going to miss a bunch of the classes because of work. Mommy wasn't happy about this). Have any of you had any experience with the online classes? We're still planning on doing some of them in person but Mommy's not convinced that she needs to be in the room to listen to someone tell her that she should have plugs in the electrical outlets and to not let Stinky play in the kitchen or bathroom. She thinks that this could be done just as well from the comfort of her own living room.
We're all doing well over all. Mommy is still very tired as she just can't seem to sleep lately. We'll be 33 weeks on Sunday and we're all in overdrive getting ready for Stinky. Mommy is making lists of music for a labor playlist (it might seem soon to be doing this but Mommy likes taking her time with this sort of stuff). Mommy has also been creating a Stinky wish list on with lots of little things that we still need (or just want). Daddy's been doing a lot of work in preparation for teaching his classes and is letting Mommy go crazy with her lists and baby books.
We'll let you know what happens with the classes and the checkup.
Mommy wants to know if she can take a nap now.
Naps for everyone!
Mommy, Daddy and Stinky

Saturday, July 31, 2010

That's one healthy baby!

We had our checkup yesterday. There was a bit of a kerfuffle as it was our first appointment in the new town. It all went well. Stinky is a good size and his heartbeat sounded good and Mommy checked out ok, too. We get to go to our first prenatal class next week. We're all super excited about that. We're also in the process of picking our hospital. We're leaning pretty strongly towards Edinburgh and will probably end up going there unless Stinky decides to rush things or be difficult (in which case we'll go to the nearest unit).
We have a big day today. Daddy's parents are coming for a bit of a visit. We're expecting them to be here any minute. Mommy's been trying to wait to eat until they get here but Stinky would really like some food right now. We think that we're not going to be able to hold out much longer.
Oh, we've decided that unless something else comes up that knocks our socks off (all four socks, Stinky doesn't wear socks yet) that we're going to name him Isaac. Daddy wants to spell it Eyezik. Mommy hopes he's joking. More soon.
Have a good weekend!
Mommy, Daddy and Stinky

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Smile for the camera, Baby!

As promised, here are some belly pictures that are at least fairly recent.

Right before we moved we went to Fraser Castle. We thought we should given that it IS Daddy's castle. It was lovely and Stinky can't wait until it's all his! We took these pics with the camcorder (which has no flash). That's why they're a bit dark. Yes, Mommy is huge.

Here's one of the ultrasound pictures just in case you want to see what Stinky looks like. This was the ultrasound we had at 22 weeks, so he is 10 weeks more developed (well, almost. We'll be 32 weeks this coming Sunday).

We have our next check-up on Friday. Mommy and Stinky are both feeling well (Daddy is feeling well, too). We will let you know how everything goes.

Oh yeah, what does everyone think of the name Issac? Daddy really likes it and Mommy is maybe coming around to it.

We hope that everyone likes the pictures!

We think Stinky needs some ice cream now. Ice cream for everyone! Ice cream and hugs!

-Mommy, Daddy and Stinky

Friday, July 23, 2010

Dig on those Groovy Beats, Baby

Mommy and Daddy have been doing a bit of an experiment to find out what music Stinky likes.
Last night we played him 3 songs.
T Rex- Cosmic Dancer
Jane's Addiction- Mountain Song
Beatles- Maxwell's Silver Hammer

He seemed to really like Cosmic Dancer. He moved around a lot as if he was dancing. He stopped moving altogether during Mountain Song, though. We don't think he liked it at all, perhaps it was too jarring and he was moving away from it. He LOVED Maxwell's Silver Hammer, though. He moved around like crazy (and actually hurt Mommy a little).
Tonight we played the Gorillaz for him and he seemed to really like Clint Eastwood (the song, not the actor). He liked it about as much as he liked Cosmic Dancer. We're both excited that he seems to like the Beatles (we love the Beatles). Mommy really likes T Rex and Daddy's a Damon Albarn fan so we're pretty pleased all around! We'll continue to play him music and report back.
Happy Friday!
Mommy, Daddy and Stinky

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Hey Baby, What's Your Name?

We've been having a bit of naming difficulty. We know that Stinky is a little boy but we can't seem to decide on a name! We know that his middle name will be Gavin (like his Daddy) and his nickname is Stinky Face, Jr. (as you either know or have gathered). We've tossed around a few ideas and at one time or another have liked Beckett, Cooper, Sebastian (Daddy likes Tormod and Dairmid and Mommy likes Jude and Callum. Daddy also likes Rotary Phone or Ropho for short). We're still debating Cooper and Sebastian but Beckett has pretty much fallen by the wayside. If anyone would like to put their 2 cents in and comment suggestions we would love to hear them!
We'll let you know if we actually stick on one. Daddy says that there's a prize for whomever comes up with the "winning" name (obviously it doesn't count if it's one from the list above). Mommy has no idea what said prize will be.
Mommy, Daddy and Stinky

Our First Post

Hi Everybody!
Welcome to our Stinky Blog. We've decided to write it so that our friends and family in the States can keep up with developments. Of course, we welcome anyone who wants to know about what's happening, regardless of where you are. We'll post at least once a week (let's say by Wednesday since that's what today is) about our little Stinky and his/our progress.
We'll post photos and maybe even some videos as time goes on. We'll keep up with it from now until after little Stinky makes his grand entrance and beyond.
Let's start with a brief bit about where we stand right now.
We're 30 weeks, moving to 31 this coming Sunday. We've only just moved to Cupar in Fife. This means that the birth should take place at the Edinburgh Maternity Hospital sometime around the 27th of September. Mommy and Stinky are doing well thus far, all checkups have looked (and sounded) good and right on track. We have another one at the end of this month. We'll put up some belly pictures by this time next week.
Thanks for stopping by to see us!

-Mommy, Daddy and Stinky