Monday, October 11, 2010

How are you feeling, Baby?

Sorry it's been so long since our last post. I'm sure that you understand that we've been a little bit busy. We do enjoy the fact that we are so busy with fun stuff like sleeping, eating and making sure to go out for walks. If only busy always consisted of finding time to nap! Stinky Jude is doing very well, he's 13 days old today. He's such a good little boy and is sitting here right now watching me type (as I talk to him and make super animated faces). Daddy just left for work and we already miss him. He only has this week left before his October holidays. He has the last two weeks of the month off and we're all super excited to have him around all of the time for a while. We have an appointment next week to apply for Stinker's American passport. After we do that we'll be sending in the paperwork to apply for Daddy's visa so that we can move back to New Orleans next year. We talk about it all of the time and can't wait to bring Stinker home to meet friends and family (and eat good food and go to the zoo and feed the ducks in the park...). Today is Mommy and Stinker's first day totally alone. We're actually going to take a nap here in a minute. We're sorry that we've been slacking on uploading pics but we'll post a ton more soon. We'd also like to thank everyone for the lovely messages and things. We love all of you and can't wait for you to meet the Stink (who has been happily living up to his nickname).

Here's the wish list link again for those of you who asked about it.

We don't really have much to report other than the fact that the Stinker is sleeping well, eating well and putting on weight. We're starting to get into a rhythm (finally). It's stressful but beautiful. Mommy and Daddy are both so in love with Mr. the Stink. We know that you all will be, too. We'll post more soon. For now, it's food and nap time.
Snacks and naps for everyone!!
Mommy, Daddy and Stinker Jude

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Welcome Home, Baby!

Mr. The Stink is finally here. Although we will probably always call him Stinky (or Stinker) we had to decide on an 'acceptable' name so we went with Jude Gavin DeAbate Fraser. He was born on the 29th of September 2010 at almost 5pm. He weighed 7 pounds on the nose. As you can see from the picture, he has a mop of bright red hair. We were all surprised that he is a ginger baby and not dark like Mommy but we couldn't be more pleased. We love our little ginger Stinker sOoOOOOo much!

As it's been a long time since our 'I'm in labor' post and I know that it was nerve wracking for all our friends and family, I'll let you know what it was that happened on the Stinker's birthday. As we wrote that day, I was in labor for what seemed like 1,000 years (I suppose that happens to most people though). At about 4am we were finally ready to go to the hospital. When we got there I was assessed and was only 3cm. It took me 2+hours in some weird holding room to progress to 6 and be moved upstairs to the labor ward. This is the part that I will always remember as the easy bit. The room was lovely and calm, I was in the pool and only using the gas and air occasionally (I was trying to make it without any real pain relief). Everything was manageable and quite serene. After a couple of hours in there I got out and my water broke. There was meconium in it so I had to move from my lovely room and pool onto a bed in the high risk ward to be put on continuous fetal heart monitoring. I labored there for I don't know how long. It was rough as the monitors were really uncomfortable and I was anxious about the baby's health. We finally moved to the second stage but Stinky's heart rate kept dropping at the height of the contractions. He was even more tired than I was so they went and got the doctor to come and talk to me about getting him out right away. Of course, I told them that all that mattered was that our Stinker was ok and that I wanted them to do whatever they had to. Because we had come so far they decided just to use forceps. They told us about risks and we signed some informed consent stuff. Daddy was taken to put on scrubs and I was wheeled into the operating theater. I was given the non-epidural spinal (the one that acts extremely quickly) injection. It took no time for me to feel nothing. The rest is pretty much a blur. There was lots of activity but I just remember looking over to Daddy for reassurance a lot as I waited to hear something that gave me some indication of what was happening with Stinky. After what seemed like forever they brought him out. I heard a bit of a wail and they held him out to me for long enough for me to just graze his head with my fingers. Daddy went with Stinky as they took him out to see if he was ok. They finished sewing and tugging and whatever, put me on another table and took me into recovery. Soon after they brought in the Stink and Daddy. I was dazed and so was he (they, really). I was so amazed at his hair and in love straight away. They told me that he had been a little limp but that he came around quickly. We had some skin to skin time and were carted up to a ward after about an hour. The ward was another nightmare altogether. The short of it was that there were 4 women and babies in the room, Daddy wasn't allowed to be there after 9pm and Mommy was confined to a bed for two nights. The Stinker was with her the whole time though so that was something. They wanted to keep an eye on Stinky for a couple of nights since he had been in shock when delivered and Mommy needed observed recovery time. The good news is that he's been perfect and Mommy feels ok, too. Daddy was extremely excited to get to bring us home yesterday. We love that we're finally here and together. This is our second night home.

The Stinker is more than we ever could have hoped. He's such an amazing baby. We love him so much and wish that all of you could be here to see his amazing little red faux hawk in person. We promise to keep updating weekly and we're sorry about the lapse while we were in hospital. We're sure that you all understand. Stinky says hello and sends out some sweet Stinky kisses.
Stinky kisses for everyone!
Mommy, Daddy and Stinky