Monday, October 11, 2010

How are you feeling, Baby?

Sorry it's been so long since our last post. I'm sure that you understand that we've been a little bit busy. We do enjoy the fact that we are so busy with fun stuff like sleeping, eating and making sure to go out for walks. If only busy always consisted of finding time to nap! Stinky Jude is doing very well, he's 13 days old today. He's such a good little boy and is sitting here right now watching me type (as I talk to him and make super animated faces). Daddy just left for work and we already miss him. He only has this week left before his October holidays. He has the last two weeks of the month off and we're all super excited to have him around all of the time for a while. We have an appointment next week to apply for Stinker's American passport. After we do that we'll be sending in the paperwork to apply for Daddy's visa so that we can move back to New Orleans next year. We talk about it all of the time and can't wait to bring Stinker home to meet friends and family (and eat good food and go to the zoo and feed the ducks in the park...). Today is Mommy and Stinker's first day totally alone. We're actually going to take a nap here in a minute. We're sorry that we've been slacking on uploading pics but we'll post a ton more soon. We'd also like to thank everyone for the lovely messages and things. We love all of you and can't wait for you to meet the Stink (who has been happily living up to his nickname).

Here's the wish list link again for those of you who asked about it.

We don't really have much to report other than the fact that the Stinker is sleeping well, eating well and putting on weight. We're starting to get into a rhythm (finally). It's stressful but beautiful. Mommy and Daddy are both so in love with Mr. the Stink. We know that you all will be, too. We'll post more soon. For now, it's food and nap time.
Snacks and naps for everyone!!
Mommy, Daddy and Stinker Jude

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