Saturday, November 27, 2010

Where have you been, Baby?

I know, it's been AGES since the last post (and even then we didn't actually write anything). We're all terribly sorry but are sure that you understand. Daddy's been super busy with school (which he still doesn't love) and Mommy's been super busy with the Stinker. The Stinker just can't be bothered writing anything. Things are going well. Jude will be two months old on Monday. He's slept through the night a few times but it's by no means a regular occurrence. He's generally the best baby in the whole world but he has his moments of insanity. He sometimes has trouble staying asleep and then gets overly tired and super cranky (SUPER cranky). Today has been one of those days. Thankfully Daddy has been here to help settle the Stink. He's asleep in the swing just now and hopefully he'll feel better after a good few hours of rest.

He started smiling a few weeks ago and now he doesn't let a day go by without giving us some big grins. He's also engaging more with faces (although he still really loves high contrast things like shadows and black and white toys). He's around 9.5 pounds now so he's growing out of his 0-3 month clothes. We think he might have another week or two until they don't fit his long legs anymore. Mommy is still crazy tired pretty much all of the time and is looking forward to the day when she can get more than a few hours of sleep in a row. Somehow even when he does sleep for good stretches she always wakes up after a couple of hours in anticipation of Jude waking up. Someday she's sure she'll sleep again.

We didn't do anything for Thanksgiving. Daddy had to work and it was the day Jude had to get his first round of immunizations. He did really well with them (Mommy cried as much as he did). We're already looking forward to next year. We'll count 2011 as Jude's first Thanksgiving (when we're all in New Orleans and he can enjoy it with his nola friends and family). We're also looking forward to Jude's first Christmas. He's already really good with his head and we're pretty sure that he'll be holding it up by then (or very close to it). We're excited about putting him in his Bumbo and helping him open some nice presents. We'll post pics of Christmas tree shopping, etc with him. We miss and love all of you and promise that we'll at least try to write more often. You can always go to youtube and look up the NICONOLA504 channel for Jude videos. There are 4 now and I have a couple more that are ready to upload (I'll get to it soon!).

For those of you who asked about what he might still need or what to get for Christmas, there's still stuff on the Amazon UK wishlist. Here's the link

We're going to try to get some sleep now and hopefully it'll snow so much tonight that Daddy won't have to go to work on Monday.
Snow for everyone!
Mommy, Daddy and Stinky Jude

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