Sunday, September 26, 2010

Really though, Baby?

We don't have much to report yet. We're due and tired. We want Stinky to come already so that we can worry about him in all new and interesting ways. We haven't had any real labor signs and other than the fact that he's engaged (which we've known for 2 weeks now) there's really nothing to indicate that he is coming soon. We'll be induced soon if he decides not to come on his own (we were told that 12 days is standard waiting time). We have an appointment with the midwife tomorrow and we'll be sure to update everyone as to what is happening once we know.
Nothing else has been going on really. We went for a lovely walk today and found a bunch of almost adult baby swans in the stream near the house. We had a good time feeding them bread and taking photos. We'll post pictures of us and the town soon (I know, we keep promising to post pics and haven't. I will someday!). Daddy still doesn't love school and Mommy is super ready for Stinky to come out. Will post again tomorrow after our appointment. For now, we're going to watch the second half of the Saints game. We wish that we were in New Orleans to watch it with all of our friends! Daddy really, really wishes that he had an Amber in his hand.
Amber for everyone!
Mommy, Daddy and Stinky

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