Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Time to come out now, Baby!

It's official-- we're full term. This last Sunday we were 37 weeks. If Stinky wants to come out now it would be fine with us. We can't wait to meet him and Mommy feels like she is about to burst. We're almost all ready for his debut. We have a few odds and ends left to get and Mommy still has a few things that she needs to pack in her hospital bag (she would also like to spend some more time practicing getting that car seat in and out of the car) but for the most part we're ready. Mommy's been doing what she can to encourage Stinky to get on out of there. There's raspberry leaf tea and walks and spicy food (nothing crazy spicy, Mommy doesn't want to chance worse heartburn than she's been having). Other than running around planning and packing and cleaning there hasn't been all that much happening. Daddy is busy working and Mommy is busy trying to get 3 consecutive hours of sleep. We didn't end up going to Glasgow last weekend. Daddy's parents came in town instead. They're coming in again this Saturday so we might not get there before the Stinky comes. We'll see... we'll work bubble tea into our future somehow (also, Mommy would love to see her friend Eileen). On Sunday we're going to do a practice run to the hospital. It's fairly far away (should be about 45 minutes, we'll see...) so we want to know the very best route in case Stinky is in a hurry. We have a checkup this coming Monday and hopefully everything is on track (he's still in a good position, etc). We will, of course, let everyone know how it goes. We hope that everyone had a good labor day and that everyone is well. We also hope that everyone is getting more sleep than Mommy (which she is about to go attempt again).
Sleep for everyone!
Mommy, Daddy and Stinky

1 comment:

  1. Don't worry lovey, you won't have to worry about your first baby coming before you can get to the hospital. You could walk there in time ;)
