Wednesday, September 15, 2010

You ready, Baby?

We're sorry that it's been so long since we've updated but it's been a relatively slow news week over here. We had our 38 week appointment on Monday. We are well and Stinky is engaged. We know that this doesn't actually mean that he's coming right away but we're opting to see it as a good sign. He's still head down and all of that good stuff (and his heart sounds good and our blood pressure isn't going crazy...). Mommy is a ball of out of control symptoms though. We haven't had any swelling all this time but now Mommy's hands are holding onto so much water that she can't grip things and they hurt all of the time. We're still not sleeping so well but we make up for that by trying to sleep for as much of the day as is possible. 'Resting' all day also helps Mommy (almost) forget that Daddy is at work all day (Mommy and Stinky really miss Daddy while he's gone).

On Sunday we did our practice run to the hospital in Edinburgh. It was even easier than we could have hoped. It took an hour and 5 minutes door to door and was super easy to find. Mommy is a lot less stressed about it now that she knows that it's not going to be difficult to get there. We're all packed and ready to go for the hospital. Mommy never feels as if we're totally ready for the Stinky but Daddy suspects that she never will. We have the essentials and everything is clean and folded and neat (ready to be utterly messed up by a crazy Stinky baby). Now we just wait...

The weather has been really nice here in Scotland. It's been sunny most days but it's progressing strongly towards winter. The air feels clean and crisp and it makes us think of beautiful October/November days in Nola. Mommy and Daddy both wish that we could be sitting at the Fly with some friends and this cool breeze (we're sure that there are a lot of people in Nola who would love it if we could bring this breeze to them!).

Daddy isn't loving work so much but he loves being home with Mommy and we're both looking so forward to Stinky coming that it makes up for work being yucky or being lonely through the day.

That's about all we have for today but we'll write again soon. Hopefully the next post will read something like, 'we're in labor' and will be posted very soon (Mommy can dream!). We hope that the weather is nice no matter where you are and that you're all sitting outside in a nice breeze right under a sunbeam.
Cool breezes and sunbeams for everyone!
Mommy, Daddy and Stinky

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