Friday, July 23, 2010

Dig on those Groovy Beats, Baby

Mommy and Daddy have been doing a bit of an experiment to find out what music Stinky likes.
Last night we played him 3 songs.
T Rex- Cosmic Dancer
Jane's Addiction- Mountain Song
Beatles- Maxwell's Silver Hammer

He seemed to really like Cosmic Dancer. He moved around a lot as if he was dancing. He stopped moving altogether during Mountain Song, though. We don't think he liked it at all, perhaps it was too jarring and he was moving away from it. He LOVED Maxwell's Silver Hammer, though. He moved around like crazy (and actually hurt Mommy a little).
Tonight we played the Gorillaz for him and he seemed to really like Clint Eastwood (the song, not the actor). He liked it about as much as he liked Cosmic Dancer. We're both excited that he seems to like the Beatles (we love the Beatles). Mommy really likes T Rex and Daddy's a Damon Albarn fan so we're pretty pleased all around! We'll continue to play him music and report back.
Happy Friday!
Mommy, Daddy and Stinky

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