Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Smile for the camera, Baby!

As promised, here are some belly pictures that are at least fairly recent.

Right before we moved we went to Fraser Castle. We thought we should given that it IS Daddy's castle. It was lovely and Stinky can't wait until it's all his! We took these pics with the camcorder (which has no flash). That's why they're a bit dark. Yes, Mommy is huge.

Here's one of the ultrasound pictures just in case you want to see what Stinky looks like. This was the ultrasound we had at 22 weeks, so he is 10 weeks more developed (well, almost. We'll be 32 weeks this coming Sunday).

We have our next check-up on Friday. Mommy and Stinky are both feeling well (Daddy is feeling well, too). We will let you know how everything goes.

Oh yeah, what does everyone think of the name Issac? Daddy really likes it and Mommy is maybe coming around to it.

We hope that everyone likes the pictures!

We think Stinky needs some ice cream now. Ice cream for everyone! Ice cream and hugs!

-Mommy, Daddy and Stinky

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