Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Hey Baby, What's Your Name?

We've been having a bit of naming difficulty. We know that Stinky is a little boy but we can't seem to decide on a name! We know that his middle name will be Gavin (like his Daddy) and his nickname is Stinky Face, Jr. (as you either know or have gathered). We've tossed around a few ideas and at one time or another have liked Beckett, Cooper, Sebastian (Daddy likes Tormod and Dairmid and Mommy likes Jude and Callum. Daddy also likes Rotary Phone or Ropho for short). We're still debating Cooper and Sebastian but Beckett has pretty much fallen by the wayside. If anyone would like to put their 2 cents in and comment suggestions we would love to hear them!
We'll let you know if we actually stick on one. Daddy says that there's a prize for whomever comes up with the "winning" name (obviously it doesn't count if it's one from the list above). Mommy has no idea what said prize will be.
Mommy, Daddy and Stinky


  1. wouldn't it be weird to have a baby named cooper in cupar? it would sound on purpose.

  2. We picked the name three hours before he was born, so don't sweat it! We are now struggling with actually calling him by his real name. Since he was conceived we called him Squiggman, well, cause he was always squigging around. Now he has so many cute pet names we can't even count them all. Our favorites are Squigg and Monsterman...oh and Monta-man, and....see. You get my point? The kid is gonna be 10 years old and not know his real name lol. The name thing was a real challenge fo us as well, guess that's what happens with creative people? I always liked the name Lucian, but you may have to deal with bullies calling him Lucy. Anyhoo, I'm rambling on...:)

  3. I think the name winner has to change the 1st dirty diaper. Out of your choices I like Callum. In an effort to make daddy happy, what about Rodolfo???
    I'll keep thinking!

  4. Have you considered Tadhg/Taig (pronounced Teague like League)? If I had a partner that was even remotely Scottish/Irish I would be all over that name. It made me think of you too since its Gaelic meaning is bard or poet.

  5. We like the name Tadhg (Mommy is pretty sure that she knew someone whose name was Teague in high school). Daddy won't concede to Callum and we thought that Cooper from Cupar would be sort of cute. If we're in the hospital and still don't have a name Mommy will probably lose her mind (or his given name will just end up being Stinky). Poor little man Stinky (we're sure that he will be called that anyway!).

  6. We chose Pen's middle name on the fly in the hospital (when I was feeling particularly cornered by my overbearing mom) and ended up choosing something that we knew would piss the grandparents off. Maybe not the best move.

  7. Sebastian is nice. I still like Ichabod.

  8. I can't believe that Gavin doesn't like my suggestion of Callum. It's a great name dammit!

  9. Yeah, Mommy brought up Callum a long time ago. Daddy wasn't into it. Seriously, we should just name him Stinky for real.

  10. Cooper is too cute. I love it. Like Agent Cooper in Twin Peaks...

  11. We're still stuck. Mommy is liking Cooper less and Daddy is liking Sebastian less. Seriously, we might just go for Stinky!

  12. Still really like Cooper, callum is pretty good too. There is always mobile phone instead of rotary phone- mopho is a much better nickname especially if he's gonna grow up in Nola. I think there was a Teague at st georges cuz it sounds familiar to me too and he certainly wasn't at mc g.
