Saturday, July 31, 2010

That's one healthy baby!

We had our checkup yesterday. There was a bit of a kerfuffle as it was our first appointment in the new town. It all went well. Stinky is a good size and his heartbeat sounded good and Mommy checked out ok, too. We get to go to our first prenatal class next week. We're all super excited about that. We're also in the process of picking our hospital. We're leaning pretty strongly towards Edinburgh and will probably end up going there unless Stinky decides to rush things or be difficult (in which case we'll go to the nearest unit).
We have a big day today. Daddy's parents are coming for a bit of a visit. We're expecting them to be here any minute. Mommy's been trying to wait to eat until they get here but Stinky would really like some food right now. We think that we're not going to be able to hold out much longer.
Oh, we've decided that unless something else comes up that knocks our socks off (all four socks, Stinky doesn't wear socks yet) that we're going to name him Isaac. Daddy wants to spell it Eyezik. Mommy hopes he's joking. More soon.
Have a good weekend!
Mommy, Daddy and Stinky


  1. Are you guys thinking of water birthing? Using a midwife. Oh the things I would change if I had it to do all over again?

  2. If we happen to be put in one of the rooms that has a tub I think that I'll get in and out of it as labor progresses. I certainly don't want to push in the water but I would be more than happy to get into it while I'm headed towards the pushing stage.
    As far as midwives go we have no choice really. Doctors are only really used here when there's an emergency or complication. I was skeptical about it at first but since the midwives are the ones with all of the experience birthing babies (and since we WILL be in a hospital in case anything goes wrong) we're just rolling with it. Fingers crossed that it ends up being really uneventful!
