Monday, August 30, 2010

One month to go, Baby!

We don't have too much to report today. We've had a pretty mellow week. We're now officially 36 weeks and we're very excited about the fact that Stinky is going to be making his appearance in a month or so. We're hoping that he waits until at least this coming Sunday (when we'll be 37 weeks and he'll officially be full term) but that he comes out very soon after that.
Mommy and Stinky are feeling well enough. Mommy is very tired and doesn't like that Daddy is off at work all of the time. Mommy and Stinky get a little lonely during the day. Mommy's been doing a lot of cleaning and organizing (we're not sure how she keeps finding more that needs to be done) to get ready for Stinky's impending arrival.
Mommy's birthday was Saturday. We all had a nice, relaxing day. Mommy slept for most of the day (well, she was in bed anyway) and then we went to St. Andrews to get Japanese food. It was very yummy. We all love good Japanese food but haven't had much of it since we moved to Scotland. Mommy was very happy with the tofu steak and the rolls. Daddy loved his tuna sashimi. We got a supermarket cake and Daddy sang happy birthday. We got the one that had purple, green and gold sprinkles. Mommy felt that it was fate that those colors were on the cake and insisted that we get it even though it was a cheap marshmallow one. We were going to go to Glasgow to get bubble tea on Sunday but we decided that it would be better to go next Saturday so that we could make a whole day of it. We'll take pictures and post them (along with ones from Mommy's birthday). Yey for bubble tea!
Bubble tea for everyone!!
Mommy, Daddy and Stinky

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