Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Are you sleepy, Baby?

Mommy and Daddy were supposed to go to their first prenatal class today. We left the house 30 minutes before we were meant to be there (keep in mind that we live in a TOWN and that 30 minutes is enough to get to the next town, much less just down the street). We drove around until well after the class had started and still couldn't find the place. We then gave up and got Mommy the doughnut that she wanted the night before. We have to go see the midwife again this Friday and we'll find out about alternate classes that we can go to (and get better directions this time). Mommy is thinking about taking SOME of the classes through an NHS online resource (so that Daddy can see them, too. Daddy's holidays are over in a week and a half and he was going to miss a bunch of the classes because of work. Mommy wasn't happy about this). Have any of you had any experience with the online classes? We're still planning on doing some of them in person but Mommy's not convinced that she needs to be in the room to listen to someone tell her that she should have plugs in the electrical outlets and to not let Stinky play in the kitchen or bathroom. She thinks that this could be done just as well from the comfort of her own living room.
We're all doing well over all. Mommy is still very tired as she just can't seem to sleep lately. We'll be 33 weeks on Sunday and we're all in overdrive getting ready for Stinky. Mommy is making lists of music for a labor playlist (it might seem soon to be doing this but Mommy likes taking her time with this sort of stuff). Mommy has also been creating a Stinky wish list on with lots of little things that we still need (or just want). Daddy's been doing a lot of work in preparation for teaching his classes and is letting Mommy go crazy with her lists and baby books.
We'll let you know what happens with the classes and the checkup.
Mommy wants to know if she can take a nap now.
Naps for everyone!
Mommy, Daddy and Stinky

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