Monday, August 30, 2010

One month to go, Baby!

We don't have too much to report today. We've had a pretty mellow week. We're now officially 36 weeks and we're very excited about the fact that Stinky is going to be making his appearance in a month or so. We're hoping that he waits until at least this coming Sunday (when we'll be 37 weeks and he'll officially be full term) but that he comes out very soon after that.
Mommy and Stinky are feeling well enough. Mommy is very tired and doesn't like that Daddy is off at work all of the time. Mommy and Stinky get a little lonely during the day. Mommy's been doing a lot of cleaning and organizing (we're not sure how she keeps finding more that needs to be done) to get ready for Stinky's impending arrival.
Mommy's birthday was Saturday. We all had a nice, relaxing day. Mommy slept for most of the day (well, she was in bed anyway) and then we went to St. Andrews to get Japanese food. It was very yummy. We all love good Japanese food but haven't had much of it since we moved to Scotland. Mommy was very happy with the tofu steak and the rolls. Daddy loved his tuna sashimi. We got a supermarket cake and Daddy sang happy birthday. We got the one that had purple, green and gold sprinkles. Mommy felt that it was fate that those colors were on the cake and insisted that we get it even though it was a cheap marshmallow one. We were going to go to Glasgow to get bubble tea on Sunday but we decided that it would be better to go next Saturday so that we could make a whole day of it. We'll take pictures and post them (along with ones from Mommy's birthday). Yey for bubble tea!
Bubble tea for everyone!!
Mommy, Daddy and Stinky

Monday, August 23, 2010

Put down that bladder, Baby. It's not a toy.

We had an appointment with the midwife today. All went well. Stinky is in the correct position for his big debut (and hanging out very low, apparently. We're hoping this means that he means to make a break for it in two weeks-- but NOT before! It could mean nothing and he could stay in there for ages longer. Mommy's hoping for the former). We're 35 weeks now (as of yesterday). Mommy is particularly uncomfortable and is ready for Stinky to come out. Daddy is ready for Stinky to come out, too. He's just not particularly uncomfortable. We want him to finish cooking though so he has to stay in until 37 weeks. We know that it's not very likely that he'll make an early appearance but Mommy can dream.

Mommy thinks that she might have officially kicked into the nesting phase. She realized this one day when she found herself on her hands and knees scrubbing the kitchen floor. Those of you who know Mommy well will know that that's a bit unusual. We're trying to sort out all of the rest of it in the next couple of weeks so that there's nothing to deal with in the last couple of weeks. Daddy's Mommy brought us an overnight case that we're packing for the hospital (it's mostly done but Mommy's still not finished with her birth music and things like that. Also, her favorite nightshirt isn't going in until the last possible moment).

Daddy's officially in the swing of teaching now. He's doing well but Mommy and Stinky don't love being alone during the day. Good thing there's always eating, sleeping and cleaning to be done to help distract her (somewhat).

Saturday is Mommy's birthday. Daddy is taking her out for Japanese food in St Andrew's. Mommy is already dreaming of tofu and enoki mushrooms.

Tofu and enoki mushrooms for everyone!
Mommy, Daddy and Stinky

Saturday, August 14, 2010

What do you want for your birthday, Baby?

As per requests from family and some friends here is the wish list that Mommy has been making on Because it's on the UK website there won't be any customs tax and the shipping costs are all reasonable. Admittedly, some of the things on the list are things that Mommy wants (like the changing bags and the breastfeeding tops) but they're all Stinky related (and Mommy has a birthday coming, too!)

Mommy and Daddy went to a giant car boot sale (yard sale sort of thing) today and got a TON of clothes for Stinky. We had some already (some that we bought new, some from Daddy's Mum and some that Desiree and Chris sent) but now we're all kitted out in terms of clothes for at least a couple of months (unless Stinky decides to grow ridiculously fast or be huge when he comes out).

Other than that, we don't really have any big news. Daddy starts teaching next week and Mommy will be hanging out alone Monday through Friday 8-4:30 ish. Mommy isn't looking forward to it (not that Daddy's jumping for joy about the end of his summer holiday). We're looking forward to Mommy's birthday and maybe going out for a nice meal. After that it'll be all eyes on the calendar as we'll be 36 weeks the day after Mommy's 34th (Mommy can't believe that she's that old and sort of doesn't want to talk about it).

We're 34 weeks tomorrow. It's all very exciting and Mommy is a bit frenzied getting her last minute things done. Our music for labor list is almost finished, our hospital bag still needs packing but mostly everything is laid out and ready, our birth plan is written and typed up, our emergency numbers are next to the phone and we have almost all of the essentials that we'll need for Stinky's first days.
Here are some pictures (not terribly new but only a bit more than a week old).
Here is Daddy and the cottage that will be Stinky's first home (and a neighborhood cat that Daddy made friends with).

Here is Mommy, her big fat Stinky belly and their ice cream in St. Andrew's. Yes, the ice cream was yummy.

We're going to try our very best to have a lovely last holiday weekend. We hope that all of you have lovely weekends, too.
Lovely weekends for everyone!
Mommy, Daddy and Stinky

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Mommy needs her rest, Baby

Mommy and Daddy had a half check-up this last Friday. Everything went well and we booked into Edinburgh Royal Maternity Hospital. That means that, barring any emergencies that send us running for the closer Forth Park Hospital, Stinky will be born in Edinburgh. We have another appointment on the 23rd of August. Other than that not much has been happening. Mommy is so sleepy lately. Stinky seems to not like letting her sleep. He likes to move and squirm as soon as she gets into bed. Ah well, we guess it's just preparation for when he comes and keeps us both up all night. Daddy is still working on getting ready for his classes (which start on Monday). Mommy isn't excited about hanging out by herself all day while Daddy is off teaching. Mommy really misses her New Orleans peeps just now. It's all ok while Daddy is around but she suspects that there are going to be some long and lonely days in the very near future. Poor Daddy is going to get attacked every day as soon as he walks in the door. Mommy is going to try to take a nap while Daddy does some more school work. Or maybe Mommy should eat more food. Mommy can never decide! We'll write again soon with more Stinky fun.
Happy Wednesday, everyone!
Mommy, Daddy and Stinky

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Are you sleepy, Baby?

Mommy and Daddy were supposed to go to their first prenatal class today. We left the house 30 minutes before we were meant to be there (keep in mind that we live in a TOWN and that 30 minutes is enough to get to the next town, much less just down the street). We drove around until well after the class had started and still couldn't find the place. We then gave up and got Mommy the doughnut that she wanted the night before. We have to go see the midwife again this Friday and we'll find out about alternate classes that we can go to (and get better directions this time). Mommy is thinking about taking SOME of the classes through an NHS online resource (so that Daddy can see them, too. Daddy's holidays are over in a week and a half and he was going to miss a bunch of the classes because of work. Mommy wasn't happy about this). Have any of you had any experience with the online classes? We're still planning on doing some of them in person but Mommy's not convinced that she needs to be in the room to listen to someone tell her that she should have plugs in the electrical outlets and to not let Stinky play in the kitchen or bathroom. She thinks that this could be done just as well from the comfort of her own living room.
We're all doing well over all. Mommy is still very tired as she just can't seem to sleep lately. We'll be 33 weeks on Sunday and we're all in overdrive getting ready for Stinky. Mommy is making lists of music for a labor playlist (it might seem soon to be doing this but Mommy likes taking her time with this sort of stuff). Mommy has also been creating a Stinky wish list on with lots of little things that we still need (or just want). Daddy's been doing a lot of work in preparation for teaching his classes and is letting Mommy go crazy with her lists and baby books.
We'll let you know what happens with the classes and the checkup.
Mommy wants to know if she can take a nap now.
Naps for everyone!
Mommy, Daddy and Stinky