Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Mommy needs her rest, Baby

Mommy and Daddy had a half check-up this last Friday. Everything went well and we booked into Edinburgh Royal Maternity Hospital. That means that, barring any emergencies that send us running for the closer Forth Park Hospital, Stinky will be born in Edinburgh. We have another appointment on the 23rd of August. Other than that not much has been happening. Mommy is so sleepy lately. Stinky seems to not like letting her sleep. He likes to move and squirm as soon as she gets into bed. Ah well, we guess it's just preparation for when he comes and keeps us both up all night. Daddy is still working on getting ready for his classes (which start on Monday). Mommy isn't excited about hanging out by herself all day while Daddy is off teaching. Mommy really misses her New Orleans peeps just now. It's all ok while Daddy is around but she suspects that there are going to be some long and lonely days in the very near future. Poor Daddy is going to get attacked every day as soon as he walks in the door. Mommy is going to try to take a nap while Daddy does some more school work. Or maybe Mommy should eat more food. Mommy can never decide! We'll write again soon with more Stinky fun.
Happy Wednesday, everyone!
Mommy, Daddy and Stinky

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