Saturday, August 14, 2010

What do you want for your birthday, Baby?

As per requests from family and some friends here is the wish list that Mommy has been making on Because it's on the UK website there won't be any customs tax and the shipping costs are all reasonable. Admittedly, some of the things on the list are things that Mommy wants (like the changing bags and the breastfeeding tops) but they're all Stinky related (and Mommy has a birthday coming, too!)

Mommy and Daddy went to a giant car boot sale (yard sale sort of thing) today and got a TON of clothes for Stinky. We had some already (some that we bought new, some from Daddy's Mum and some that Desiree and Chris sent) but now we're all kitted out in terms of clothes for at least a couple of months (unless Stinky decides to grow ridiculously fast or be huge when he comes out).

Other than that, we don't really have any big news. Daddy starts teaching next week and Mommy will be hanging out alone Monday through Friday 8-4:30 ish. Mommy isn't looking forward to it (not that Daddy's jumping for joy about the end of his summer holiday). We're looking forward to Mommy's birthday and maybe going out for a nice meal. After that it'll be all eyes on the calendar as we'll be 36 weeks the day after Mommy's 34th (Mommy can't believe that she's that old and sort of doesn't want to talk about it).

We're 34 weeks tomorrow. It's all very exciting and Mommy is a bit frenzied getting her last minute things done. Our music for labor list is almost finished, our hospital bag still needs packing but mostly everything is laid out and ready, our birth plan is written and typed up, our emergency numbers are next to the phone and we have almost all of the essentials that we'll need for Stinky's first days.
Here are some pictures (not terribly new but only a bit more than a week old).
Here is Daddy and the cottage that will be Stinky's first home (and a neighborhood cat that Daddy made friends with).

Here is Mommy, her big fat Stinky belly and their ice cream in St. Andrew's. Yes, the ice cream was yummy.

We're going to try our very best to have a lovely last holiday weekend. We hope that all of you have lovely weekends, too.
Lovely weekends for everyone!
Mommy, Daddy and Stinky

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