Monday, August 23, 2010

Put down that bladder, Baby. It's not a toy.

We had an appointment with the midwife today. All went well. Stinky is in the correct position for his big debut (and hanging out very low, apparently. We're hoping this means that he means to make a break for it in two weeks-- but NOT before! It could mean nothing and he could stay in there for ages longer. Mommy's hoping for the former). We're 35 weeks now (as of yesterday). Mommy is particularly uncomfortable and is ready for Stinky to come out. Daddy is ready for Stinky to come out, too. He's just not particularly uncomfortable. We want him to finish cooking though so he has to stay in until 37 weeks. We know that it's not very likely that he'll make an early appearance but Mommy can dream.

Mommy thinks that she might have officially kicked into the nesting phase. She realized this one day when she found herself on her hands and knees scrubbing the kitchen floor. Those of you who know Mommy well will know that that's a bit unusual. We're trying to sort out all of the rest of it in the next couple of weeks so that there's nothing to deal with in the last couple of weeks. Daddy's Mommy brought us an overnight case that we're packing for the hospital (it's mostly done but Mommy's still not finished with her birth music and things like that. Also, her favorite nightshirt isn't going in until the last possible moment).

Daddy's officially in the swing of teaching now. He's doing well but Mommy and Stinky don't love being alone during the day. Good thing there's always eating, sleeping and cleaning to be done to help distract her (somewhat).

Saturday is Mommy's birthday. Daddy is taking her out for Japanese food in St Andrew's. Mommy is already dreaming of tofu and enoki mushrooms.

Tofu and enoki mushrooms for everyone!
Mommy, Daddy and Stinky

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